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快连VPN 快连加速器

Join us at the 2023 SENSE.nano symposium for an exploration of sensing the body at all scales. From the level of cells, organs, and body systems to individuals and 免费翻国外墙的app, this symposium, broken into three half-day webinars, will highlight the needs for new sensing technologies, showcase research and innovations, and present the impact of these technologies.

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快连VPN 快连加速器

快连VPN 快连加速器

A new monthly series for MIT students to discuss topics related to sensors, sensing systems, and sensing techniques. Each month, speakers will be invited to give a presentation followed by discussion and, in some instances, hands-on activities.

Info and sign-up

快连VPN 快连加速器

快连VPN 快连加速器

快连VPN 快连加速器

快连VPN 快连加速器



SENSE.nano is MIT.nano's first Center of Excellence, focusing on nano-enabled sensors and sensing systems.

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